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Hand-Eye Coordination Games for Kids

site-AtHutQ • August 28, 2021
Hand-Eye Coordination Games for Kids

Kids have developing bodies, and although their eyes and vision develop quickly, their eyes still go through a process of development that goes on till they reach up to 20-years of age.

A great way to ensure healthy development is to promote hand-eye coordination games for kids. They may not avoid the need for ophthalmic lenses or fix vision problems. However, they can help keep the eyes engaged as your child develops.

Additionally, it improves dexterity, visual-motor integration, reading/writing skills, physical activity, sports skills, and social skills in kids.

Hand-Eye Coordination Games for Kids

Here are a few excellent hand-eye coordination games for kids that will benefit their overall healthy development.

· Batting Practice.

Hang a ball using a net and rope, and let your child use a bat to toss it around. If there is more than one child, they can play push and catch, another fun game that promotes healthy hand-eye coordination.

· Roll/Pass the Ball

Simple ball passing is an excellent hand-eye coordination game that helps kids focus on the ball and move their hands accordingly. If your kids are too young to pass the ball, they can sit on the floor and roll the ball to each other; this is easier for younger kids but has the same effect.

· Toss and Catch

This is a great solo hand-eye coordination game for almost any age; still, team play is highly recommended. Kids learn to focus on the ball as they toss it in the air and improve hand-eye coordination as they catch it when it comes down.

· Wall Bounce

If your kids have enough catching experience, wall bounce can be extremely fun. Ask your kids to toss and bounce a ball against the wall and then catch it. They will learn how force and distance are relevant and improve their catching skills.

You can even make it competitive by keeping count of who can maintain the longest streak without missing a catch.


Hand-eye coordination games are important for your kids’ development, and they teach them important life skills as well. While they will not fix refractive errors, they can help promote fun, physical activities in kids who use ophthalmic lenses for refractive errors.

Lack of physical activity is a serious problem in kids that use ophthalmic lenses. Through the mentioned games, they will learn and get better at an early age, and this will help them gain confidence and get more involved in extracurricular and sports activities in school and beyond.

If you want to learn more about hand-eye coordination games for kids or about the best ophthalmic lenses for yourself, your kids, or your business, please visit our website today.

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