Astigmatism is a fairly common vision problem that hinders clear sight by rendering it distorted or blurred. When a person has (usually at birth) an irregularly shaped lens or cornea, their near and distance vision gets affected. The regular shape of an eye is completely round, reflecting the light evenly to all angles. However, astigmatism causes the shape of the eyeball to be egg-shaped. This causes the light to get bent in an uneven manner, and the affected person is unable to see clearly.
The condition, however, is generally treatable, and it has clear symptoms upon which one should see a doctor or an eye specialist straight away.
If any symptoms of astigmatism appear, it suggests that the condition has gone past its mild stage. The symptoms may include:
l Halos and starburst patterns
l Glare
l Unclear vision at night
l Eye irritation or discomfort
l Eyestrain
l Headaches
l Feeling the need to squint the eyes to be able to see clearly
l Distorted, fuzzy, or blurred vision
Images are made when the light that enters the eye gets refracted or bent onto the retina by two structures that have curved surfaces. The first is the cornea, which is the front surface of the eye, and the second is the lens, which is an inner part that controls the focus of the vision by changing its shape. When there is a problem in the shape of the cornea, the resulting imperfection is called corneal astigmatism. And when it is the lens that is irregularly shaped, the condition is known as lenticular astigmatism. Here are the main causes of astigmatism:
l Eye surgery
l Eye injury
l Genetics
l Corneal diseases, like keratoconus
The most common of these causes are genetics, as astigmatism is often present at birth. The symptoms usually develop as the affected person grows in age. Keratoconus is an eye disease that renders the shape of the cornea thinner and shaped like a cone. There are many studies that indicate that watching TV from close distances or reading in low light does not cause or aid the condition.
Blurred or distorted vision caused by astigmatism may occur more towards a specific direction and can be diagonal, vertical, or horizontal, depending on the shape of the refractive surface. It may also occur in combination with hyperopia or myopia.
l Hyperopia or farsightedness occurs when your eye is shorter than the regular size, and its cornea is curved very little. It makes nearby objects seem blurry as the light does not come to a focus on the back of your eye.
l Myopia or nearsightedness occurs when your eye is longer than the regular size, and its cornea is curved too much. It causes the light to be focused in front of your retina, resulting in blurred distant objects.
As soon as you notice one or more of these symptoms, get your eyes tested by an eye specialist. Although the causes of astigmatism may be beyond our control, we can get its treatment started as soon as possible to avoid further eye and vision damage.