If you have ever experienced ocular migraines, you know they can be painful and often disabling. If you do not know what ocular migraines are or have never experienced them, you may want to learn their symptoms in case they happen to you.
Today, we will explain ocular migraines and their symptoms to help you identify them better if they happen to you or a loved one.
An ocular migraine is described as a migraine that causes visual symptoms or disturbances (aura) with or without other symptoms of a migraine, like a headache.
While many people may experience migraines with aura, they do not always experience it with every migraine they get. An ocular migraine without aura is simply a typical migraine. However, a migraine with aura but no pain or headache is still an ocular migraine.
This is sometimes referred to as a “silent” migraine, and they are quite rare but become more common as you age.
You must not confuse ocular migraines with retinal migraines because many confuse them for each other. However, they are both different conditions with different prevention and care. Retinal migraines cause headaches and intense blind spots or temporary blindness in one eye, typically for less than an hour.
Below, we have listed the symptoms of an ocular migraine. Please note that they can manifest differently in individuals and can vary between the following.
· A blind or bright spot that emerges in the center of your vision and expands up to half of your field of vision.
· Experiencing temporary flashes patterns like zig-zag lines, stars, or others
· Nausea
· Vomiting
· Impaired motor skills
· Slurred speech
· Sensitivity to light and sound
· Numbness or tingling on one side of your body
· Severe throbbing or pulsating pain in one or both sides of your head
· Pain that exacerbates with activity
These symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, and you may even experience a silent migraine that usually causes some of the visual symptoms but no pain or headache.
The visual symptoms of ocular migraine can be disabling and frightening. Fortunately, they are temporary, and most of them do not last very long. However, unfortunately, the non-visual symptoms like severe pain may last between a few hours to a few days.
An aura typically occurs right before or during the migraine and lasts between 15 to 30 minutes. It is not uncommon for the aura to occur before you even experience any pain or headache from the migraine.
Ocular migraines can become a problem because they are disabling and often painful. Either way, they interfere with your routine. Everyone experiences a headache or migraine now and then. However, the best thing to do if you experience visual symptoms, vomiting, or unbearable pain is to consult a doctor.
They will likely prescribe the right medication to resolve ocular migraine symptoms.
If you want to learn more about the symptoms of ocular migraines or want to source the best ophthalmic lenses for yourself or your business, please visit our website today.